167,000-sf Manufacturing Facility Rebuild

Manufacturing & Production

Indianapolis, IN

This 167,000 SF building had been vacant for over five years and extensively vandalized. Our client had a vision that included a large machine shop/manufacturing facility, an employee training center, an industrial rigging and supply store, and a large section of offices. Making this building useable again involved the demolition of everything inside the building. The exterior required extensive cleanup, along with demolishing several outbuildings. The renovation involved new insulation, roof membrane, and new metal wall panels on the exterior. The interior was redone entirely, including new power throughout and a new fire protection system. Anchor was extensively involved in all aspects of this project: from securing the initial environmental permits for demolition to detailing how the manufacturing facility would be set up using Strategic Layout Planning.

Manufacturing Facility
Manufacturing Facility
Manufacturing Facility
Manufacturing Facility
Manufacturing Facility
Manufacturing Facility